Just need to talk? We hear you. Event planning can be overwhelming but we are here to help you through it. Feel free to use the contact us link below, stop by, or call. We have 2 locations in Missoula to conveniently serve our customers:
Event Rental Office and Warehouse: 1345 Clark Fork Lane
North Reserve & Mullan – Abby, Sam, and Travis are available at Montana Party Time from 8 AM until 5 PM Monday thru Friday. Saturdays by appointment. They are located at 1345 Clark Fork Lane just off Mullan across from Super Walmart. Give them a call at 406-542-0701. Email: samanthaf@missoulaeventrental.com ; abbyc@missoulaeventrental.com ; travisf@missoulaeventrental.com
*our equipment location does not have any event related items. Please plan on picking your event items up at Montana Party Time at 1345 Clark Fork Ln.
Equipment Rental: 500 E. Spruce Street (See map)
Downtown – Katie or Matt at Eastgate Rental, located at 500 E. Spruce street, are there to help you Monday thru Friday 8 AM until 5:30 PM and Saturdays from 8 AM until 12 PM. Contact them at 406-549-5114 or email anytime: katiec@missoulaeventrental.com ; mattc@missoulaeventrental.com
OUTSIDE OF BUSINESS HOURS: Email your issue and phone number to: info@missoulaeventrental.com
Your message will instantly be delivered to multiple staff member’s cell phones. The first to receive it will respond within minutes. The phone number provided in the email will be the one called and/or texted.
*Please note our response time to general inquiries during peak season (Mid-May thru September) is going to be delayed due to our staff often being away from their desks assisting clients. For a faster response to your event inquiry please call the Montana Party Time office at 406-542-0701.